Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today's Homework:

Reading ~ Take Home Reader 20 minutes
Vocabulary ~ 4 Box WS for the word "weathering"
Math ~ Mrs. Gumbs' math group WS 9.8 circled problems only

I have revised Spelling. Each child was given a Spelling pretest on Monday on 10 words. The first 5 words that are incorrect are your child's spelling words for the week. If they got all 10 words correct then their spelling words are the enrichment words. They will be tested on only these 5 words. My purpose in doing this is to create mastery. I felt that by having 20 words, many students were not mastering the phonics that the words had (example: short "a" sounds) and they were not mastering the SPELLING of the words. There will be a test each Friday, which I feel that is a good goal for all students since they are working on knowing their 5 words.
This weeks words focuses on Consonant Blends (sh, ch, ph, etc):
Enrichment words: emphasis, sophomore, athlete, phenomenal, chimpanzee
I have also revised the vocabulary. Your child will need to know 5 words. These words are taken from our content areas: Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, with a heavy emphasis on S.S. and Science words. I felt the students needed to focus on content vocabulary as I have seen a weakness with these words. I also cut the list down to 5 for each week. They will be tested every Friday on these 5 vocabulary words.
The vocabulary for this week is: weathering, abrasion, erosion, meander, tributary.
Wednesday Folders
PLEASE send back all work for your child's portfolio on Thursday. Be sure to sign the portfolio page, or the progress report that is attached to your child's work. Please go through your child's Wednesday folder. I do not need anything from the "Take Home and Keep" section. Going through your child's folder keeps you informed about the happenings at Gibson.
Cookie Dough
Cookie dough pick up is Friday, November 6 at Gibson from 2-7pm. All cookie dough must be picked up by 7pm on Friday.
Lastly, November is a crazy month with the days off from school. Your child should be reading EVERY night....including weekends. Also, your child should be working on their Science Fair Project. This is due in December, and December will be here before you know it, so don't let time slip away. Remember -- the project MUST be an experiment....NOT a model. Your child will need to TEST something. If your child is having difficulty, ASK. A GOOD science fair project does not have to be difficult. Judges (including myself) are looking for a well thought out plan on something the student has tested and recorded data (pictures, graphs, conclusion, future thoughts as to why or why not the experiment went as planned).
THANK YOU for all that you do for your children.

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